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New Plymouth Tiaki Promise


Please join us in our sustainability efforts
Help us to teach the next generation to make Aotearoa
a better place to live & thrive in

It all begins with us: When we initiate action, it creates a promising beginning for the next generation

Get involved in Predator Free 2050, visit the Predator free website for stories

1: Backyard Trapping has been successful, you can sponsor traps for the area or help check traps
Purchasing them from the local Schools program

2: Annual Family Garden Bird Count, End of June each year for an hour
You will learn your birds & relax
We have seen an increase in the number of Tui, Kereru & nice time to just sit

3: Noxious Plants
Moth Plant a creeper which smothers Native Plants & grown in hedges
It has large light green Pods with many seeds
We have been helping the council to remove it in our area

Other ways to contribute to make change

When you Cycle or Walk down to Lake Rotomanu & the beach take a bag
If you see rubbish pick it up, or shells & sea glass to take home

We have signs around the park about conservation of water, power & gas
We all know it, we just have to do it. Turn it off when you're finished, think of others

Embrace Recycling

Please use the Blue recycling bins around the park
Glass, Clean plastic & paper & Flat cardboard
We separate the Glass in the recycling bin area


Manaaki whenua, Manaaki Tangata
Care for land, Care for People